Bangweulu National Park


visit the park

The park is one of the best places to view the rare and prehistoric-looking shoebill as well as hundreds of other bird species

African Shoebill

The African Shoebill rightfully claims its name as Africa's swamp king. Shoebills are the ultimate fans of large, rich, dense marshes, wetlands, and swamps. This makes the Bangweulu swamps in Zambia the best place to witness a special sighting of one.

Black Lechwe

Bangweulu is home to a significant population of endemic black lechwe, which is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.

Bangweulu Wetlands

The area has been designated as one of the world's most important wetlands

Bangweulu Swamp: A Wetland Wonderland

This vast wetland is home to many rare and endangered species, such as the shoebill, the black lechwe, and the wattled crane.

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